by Sunny Hallauer |
My life has been blessed to live from the perspective
of a child whose early memories included an
NDE. As our understanding of NDEs has expanded
over the past thirty years, it has become clear
that my perspective from my NDE mirrors the
perspective of most people who have had had
a NDE. There are several million of us alive
today on this planet. We are influencing many
more millions of people.
What would this world look like if we all lived
from the understandings of the NDE? It begins
with how this perspective would influence each
individual person and how they would each live
their lives differently. Let’s look at
how it would impact each of us at the personal
- We would have no fear of dying.
- No fear of dying would give us enormous
freedom in enjoying the life that we have.
- We would spend no time worrying about
how long this life will be, but will focus
on the present moment and how we are living
life now.
- Much of our anxiety about life would
be relieved.
- We would know that we came here to learn
how to love.
- If we knew that was our purpose in life,
we would spend more time on relationships
than on getting ahead in careers.
- We would be more mindful of how we speak
to our family members and friends. We
would be less hurtful with our thoughts,
words, and actions.
- We would emphasize what is right in
our relationships more than what is wrong.
- We would actually profoundly wish our
loved ones well.
- We would focus on agape rather than
on specific love objects.
- We would spend time in volunteer work
that honors the individual and helps them
to prosper materially and in self-respect.
- We would donate more resources (time
and money) to people who need them.
- We would intend that all people on this
earth have the basics of life.
- We would wish every human being profoundly
- We would consider spirituality of supreme
- We would devote time every day to prayer
or meditation.
- We would read the writings of the great
spiritual teachers.
- We would live the principles of our
belief systems. As a Christian, we would
live from “Love the Lord thy God
with all they heart and mind and soul
and thy brother as thyself.”
- We would be forgiving of ourselves when
we felt short of the ideal, but we would
continue to hold the ideal as our main
goal on this earth.
- We would gather with other people seeking
to live their ideals so that we could
be a support to one another as we each
move toward that more loving life.
- We would be very interested in pursing
the meaning of life.
- We would spend our time in reading,
contemplating, and discussing questions
about the meaning of life.
- Life would be richer with a richer inner
- Discussions of the meaning of life would
enhance our relationships. We would come
to know each other at a deeper level.
- Pursing the meaning of life doesn’t
use many resources nor does it require
great material wealth to do it.
- Superficial entertainment would no longer
be necessary.
- We would honor nature.
- We would be respectful of our natural
resources and use them as sparingly as
- We would use every available recycling
tool that was within our reach.
- We would also use as little oil and
oil by-products as possible. Hybrid vehicles
would be the standard means of locomotion
along with mass transit in hybrid vehicles.
- We would spend as much time in nature
as possible.
- Rather than spending time in front of
the television set, in bars, or playing
video games looking for amusement to stave
off boredom, we would spend time in nature
centering ourselves and feeling the oneness
with nature.
- The common adrenalin rush that is fed
by the mass media would be counterbalanced
by the endorphins enhanced by quiet time
in nature.
- We would approach daily occurrences
with much more equanimity.
- We would be intensely interested in
- We would spend much of our time learning
new things rather than in being entertained.
- This learning does not use up natural
resources, nor does it call for economic
resources, for the most part.
- This time spent in learning would enhance
our since of healthy self-esteem and give
us more to talk about with each other
rather than gossiping or re-hashing fixed
- Our lives would continue to evolve in
our lifetimes. We would no longer be stuck
in a rut that increases boredom day by
day and causes us to seek desultory pleasures
as a relief from the boredom that we carry
within ourselves when we stop learning.
- We would have less interest in material
- Because of our interest in supporting
other people’s goals for themselves
and because of our interest in spirituality
and in learning, we would have less time
to shop and to take care of possessions
that we owned.
- Our focus would be on relationships
and ideas rather than things. Material
possessions would actually get in the
way of what we really enjoyed focusing
- Our sense of universal love would encourage
us to support our fellow human beings
in having the basics of life before we
purchased the frills of life for ourselves.
- Life would be simpler, but richer.
- We would have less concern about fame
and success.
- Less concern about fame and moving up
the ladder in our careers would allow
us more flexibility in follow our heart’s
- We would feel more freedom to change
careers if our interests changed.
- We would not feel so compelled to compromise
our ideals in order to advance on the
corporate ladder.
- We would be “whistle blowers”
when it was appropriate to our integrity.
- We would not feel so attached to a particular
viewpoint if our learning showed us an
expanded point of view.
- We would not be so influenced by what
other people think.
Living from the perspectives of an
NDEr would allow us more freedom, love, flexibility,
connectedness, enthusiasm and just plain happiness
in each of our lives!!
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