of the Soul
Last spring I participated in the documentary,
"Secrets of the Soul" which looked
at current investigations into three areas that
support the existence of the soul--research
in mediumship by Gary Schwartz, research in
past lives by Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker,
and research in NDEs as described by me. A second
documentary looked at the many ways that people
search for their souls including vision quests
among others.
When I viewed the advance copy of the video,
I was truly impressed with the final outcome.
It will be the springboard for much soul searching
and many heartfelt and deep conversations among
people who view it. In fact, a website has been
set up for virtual conversations among viewers
of the documentary.
If you would like to learn more about the DVD
and/or get a copy for yourself, please go to
IANDS Home Page
The International Association for Near-Death
Studies site is provided as a public service
to give reliable information about near-death
experiences, along with resources for more information
and support.
The Near-Death Experience
Research Foundation
The Near-Death Experience Research Foundation
was established by Dr. Jeffrey Long to collect
and study people's NDEs.
After-Death was developed by Bill Guggenheim,
the author of Hello from Heaven. This
website has stories of people who have had communication
with loved ones after they have died. Scientists
Validate Near-Death Experiences
A new study validates near-death experiences
reported by heart attack patients.
the article...